Blog Tour Review + Giveaway: I'm Not Okay by Renee Antonia

Monday, April 30, 2018 2 comments
I'm Not Okay by Renee Antonia
Published:  06/24/17
Publisher: BookBaby
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Source: Blog Tour
Barnes and Noble ~ Amazon 

When she wakes up in the morning, the first thing that goes through Alejandra's head is whether or not she will be forced into another anxiety inducing situation. The struggles of being a young adult living with an anxiety ridden brain become too much for Alejandra to deal with. So, with the help of her friends, she forces herself our of the bubble her anxiety has placed her in. She learns to conquer the fears she once thought would destroy her and learns to rely on herself more than she ever has. 

About the Author
Renee Antonia grew up in the Los Angeles area with four siblings and two wonderful parents. Having such a strong support system enabled her to decide who and what she wanted to be. However, this question haunted her for years, because she couldn't quite pinpoint what exactly she saw herself doing for the rest of her life. She began to read a lot, hoping to find inspiration between the pages of a book. It was at this time that she realized one thing. She loved sharing, reading, and writing. Renee decided that she wanted to be a writer, and since that day, she has taken any steps necessary to achieve that goal. 

You can find Renee on her website and Goodreads, as well as on Instagram and Pinterest

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of the post!!

One of my favorite things about reading is that it can be an incredibly intimate act. I'm not talking 50 Shades intimate here. You're becoming part of the lives of the characters and being given a glimpse into their innermost thoughts and feelings. You learn about who they are at their core. Sometime those characters are extension of the author or based on the author's experiences, and as such give you an intimate glimpse into the author's core as well. I'm Not Okay gives you that intimate feeling.

Mental health is one of those things you don't talk about much. Unless they're a really close friend, most people don't know I've been on antidepressants for 17 years. (I wrote "15 year" at first and then had one of those "you're older than you think" moments.) It's not that I try to hide it. Obviously not since I just shared it with all of you, dear readers. It's just not a part of my personal introduction script. Depression is, however, a part of my everyday life that I treat and cope with accordingly. It informs how I approach certain situations and how I assess my well-being. It's what I call an invisible illness. I happen to have two invisible illnesses, the other being Crohn's Disease.

I related to Alex from the first pages of I'm Not Okay. The book begins with a moving description of what it's like to look in the mirror and not totally understand the person looking back. It's a description that anyone with mental illness, or even a chronic illness, would understand. You feel like something has been stolen and you have to figure out how to take it back. This is where we join Alex on her journey. Alex's relationships with her family are strained because anxiety and the need she felt to hide it from the world. She watches her siblings leading their lives and wonders why she struggles to make it through the school day.

I'm Not Okay attacks the taboos surrounding mental illness head on. It shows that while you may not feel okay yourself, acknowledging and talking about it is okay. More than okay, it's important. Renee Antonia brings a story about a young woman as she finds her own strength and begins to blossom into her own person as she deals with her anxiety. It shows that what has felt crippling can make you stronger, and with the help of the people who love you life can turn around. It's a story of hope. Not only did Renee Antonia write this brave story, she self-published it as well! Kudos for extra courage!

I definitely recommend I'm Not Okay, especially if you or someone you know struggles with anxiety or other mental illnesses. It's an empowering read and an all around great book.

Check out the blog tour launch post on the WOW - Women On Writing blog, The Muffin, for the full list of blog tour stops! There are posts for the next couple of weeks including reviews and gust posts from Renee Antonia!

I'm also hosting a GIVEAWAY! Enter below for a chance to win a copy of I'm Not Okay. The winner's name and email will be given to Ms. Antonia so that she can send out your copy! The giveaway will be open until May 7th at 12AM CST.

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